Dear All
Candidates willing to buy simulation exams for their upcoming exams can do so on or by contacting Best Tutors directly at 0772 166 612 (Call / WhatsApp). Part "A" classes are starting today at 6pm, and class registration for those interested in the revision classes closes by 12pm today, and no further admissions will be possible for these group classes once the registration window has closed. All classes will be conducted online and accessible by logging in on The fee is $20 per revision class and also for the simulation exam.
Dear All
Best Tutors ( will be running examination revision classes starting from 11th March at 6pm to 9pm for Part A and Part B. The fee is $20 per course (module) and there will be one session per each exam per week running for one hour. Interested candidates can get in touch with Best Tutors on 0772 166 612 by phone or Whatsapp.